Saturday, May 9, 2020

Who Needs McDonalds?!?

Just like many of us, during this quarantine I have been using this time to try pick up some skills. One of the most popular skills that people have been working on is bread making. I have made a couple of loaves and am trying to make some sourdough starter but that is the extent of my knowledge.  However, several years ago I bought a series of DVDs called Homestead Blessings  In this series their is a DVD called The Art of Bread Making.  I thought now would be a great time to get it out and see if the recipes work.  

The recipe that interested me was Hamburger Buns.  So I got out the flour, salt, yeast, milk etc and tried my best.  For a first attempt it wasn't to bad.  They didn't rise very well but they looked ok and were pretty soft and tasted well. 

Not bad for a first attempt
Since I had some leftover rice and some cans of beans, I decided to make some veggie burgers to go with these buns. I used the vegetarian burger recipe from Martha Stewart's Favorite Family Meals DVD.  I tried to find the recipe on her website but they were a little different from the one I used. 

After making the patties, I got some lettuce from my garden.  I just picked off a couple of leaves but this is the first food I have gotten from it this year. 
My first food from the garden 
Added some pickles and ketchup and I had a great dinner. 

There is always a feeling of satisfaction when I have learned to do something new.  With each new skillI feel a sense of freedom.  I don't have to settle for what someone else is offering. I can make my own,

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