This is the latest recipe from
It's All Good by Gwyneth Paltrow that I have tried. The recipe called "flourless any fruit crumble" was chosen because the Fresh Market had a sale for the 4th of July on blueberries. It was good. On a scale of 1 to 10 it was about a 7 overall. Of course my friend who came over for dinner had three helpings so, opinions may vary.
This is the book picture |
You start with 4 cups of any kind of fruit. The picture in the book looks like there are apples and blueberries. Due to the sale, I got 4 POUNDS for $10 so I had plenty. I did make sure to take the stems off before I washed them.
4 cups of blueberries |
The author's said to use a shallow baking dish but I decided I wanted to use a different type and it may have alter the recipe.The next ingredient to add to the blueberries is maple syrup. It says you need 4 tablespoons but you only use 2 tablespoons with the blueberries. You use the rest of the syrup later so if you want to divide it to make it easier you might want to.
Maple Syrup |
For the one tablespoon of lemon juice, I had some frozen that I was going to use. The recipe calls for fresh though. Unfortunately, the frozen didn't thaw in time. I did have a lemon and wound up using the whole lemon to get the one tablespoon of juice. I put it in with the blueberries.
Lemons Lemons |
Julia and Gwyenth said that you could substitute groun up almonds for the almond flour in the recipe. It was easy as pie to do. I had previously gotten a bag of almonds at Big Sam's and just put those in the food processor and ZAPP!
You need 1/2 cup of almond flour and 1/2 cup of Quinoa. The cookbook lists Quinoa flakes and the ingredient. I am not sure if these a the flakes or not. Fortunately, the rosemary and olive oil seasoning is in a separate bag. So the quinoa was just plain. These go into a separate bowel for the topping. Then add the leftover maple syrup and some salt. This gets mixed well together and becomes the topping for the crumble.
When everything is put togeth you place this dish into a preheated 400 degree oven for 20-25 minutes.
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